
Monday, April 10, 2006

A "simple" question for evolutionists

The "theory of evolution" is still just that--a mere theory. Even though many seem to want to overlook or forget that part of evolution, the fact is that the "theory" of evolution is still only a theory--and a false one. Thus, it is still an unproved hypothesis; it is not a fact.

Here is a "simple" question which evolutionists cannot answer:

Which was first on Earth--A Woman or a Human Baby?

Mull on that for awhile, please.

This question, though seemingly simple, is devastating to the evolutionist's view. The creationist has no problem with the question. The problem of the origin of man is not a scientific question, but is rather a philosophical and/or revelational problem.

--credit to the late Dr. Thomas B. Warren, Ph.D.

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