
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Reaping the Whirlwind

An interesting statement is made in the Old Testament by the prophet Hosea. "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind..." (Hosea 8:7). Although these words were said of the people in the days in which it was written many centuries ago, there is an application that may be made today.

The "wind" of secular humanism (which is atheism) has been in the public school systems and universities of America for well over 65 years. This "wind" of "no absolute truth," "moral relativism," "situation ethics," "values clarification," "organic evolution" "do your own thing," "no one can tell you what is right or what is wrong," "what is right is what is right for you and what others think is right or wrong is not so significant," "there is no one set standard of right and wrong," "there is no one set standard of truth," "if it feels good or right for you, then do it, etc., etc.," has been sown into the minds of American youth for generations. For the past few years we have witnessed and even experienced the "whirlwind" of degrading, damaging, destructive results of such a godless philosophy.

We witness the shootings and murders in high schools, the senseless beatings of teenagers against teenagers, the rise of illegitimate births, abortion, promiscuity, the seduction of students by teachers, the exaltation and glorification of popular people (entertainers, movie stars, etc.) whose lives are a downward spiral of immorality from day to day, perversity of all sorts which is beyond belief. We hear little girls screaming the names of their favorite singing stars who (the stars), although they may of marriageable age, are often too immature to be married and have children. Rather than practice discipline that works, we are told to let the child have his way, let him vent his anger and his frustrations, after all we do not want him to have a "complex." Everyone is not always right, and should not be made or allowed to believe that being wrong is right or okay. Those who fail in school or in some contest do not deserve to be rewarded in their failures just to make them feel good and avoid hurt feelings. The result of humanism is a bunch of undisciplined, rude, arrogant, angry, selfish, rebellious, disrespectful young people who act out their frustrations by killing each other, or their family members, or those toward whom they have a grievance. Respecting the rights and property of others has never been heard of by some of these upstarts. American young people have been "dumbed down" to the extent that many of those in high school cannot even write a decent sentence or legible paragraph. Americans who follow and practice this philosophy are setting a bad example for the rest of the world. When people of other nations hear about and watch the unholy, immoral antics of well-known American entertainers and celebrities on television and in movies, then see them living out those things in their lives, and when they witness the squandering of millions of dollars on selfish interests by such people, they develop an impression of America and Americans that is not good.

There is no question that America is now reaping the "whirlwind" of this godless philosophy. And, it appears that those who seek to bring sanity back to America by setting forth the Bible as the objective standard of God for man, the result is for the Bible-believer to be belittled and ridiculed as "out of touch" or "not facing reality" or "old-fashioned." It is high time to start in the public school systems to eradicate this godless philosophy and those who advocate secular humanism and situation ethics. It is time that those who believe in an objective standard of right and wrong, and who are patriotic, be given a place of leadership and influence among our young people. There is right and there is wrong! The result of the humanist philosophy is bringing America down so very fast--faster than most people realize. Those who espouse and uphold secular humanism need to be relieved of their duties if they are in places of influence over young people. I am not advocating any kind of violence, for that is wrong. I am simply saying that it is time to fire those who can be fired and to not hire those who only have themselves as their own standard. Even in modern religion, secular humanism has taken quite a stand. Many "churches" are filled with moral and religious relativists who want to have
religion their own way, not necessarily God's way. It is time to learn how to say such things as, "No," "There is a way that is right and you can know that it is right," "There is a way that is right and is not wrong," etc.

Secular humanism is a selfish, self-glorifying, self-gratifying, self-exalting philosophy that results in immorality, murder, bias, and the devaluation of human life and the traditional American way of life.

"Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth" John 17:17.
Jesus said, "He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him--the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day." John 12:48.