
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Customizing a blog site

There are numerous color themes and backgrounds from which to choose when customizing one's blog pages. Many themes are very interesting and attractive. I have tested a number of colors and I like several of them. If you return to this blog from time to time you may find that I am testing a different background. For the time being, I think I will stay with the current background.

You will notice if you look through the information I have provided on this blog site concerning my "Lists" or interests, that I have given somewhat generic information rather than specific book titles, song titles, movie titles, etc. It really does not matter exactly what specific books, songs, or movies I like. But, by mentioning the types or genre of books, music, and favorite actors, you may be able to have some insight into my interests, which are quite varied. You should know that the "lists" of information that I have provided are not necessarily given in the order or priorty in which I value them.

You may notice that I did not mention any interest in golf. Golf is very popular with many people--and that's fine. I am not against golf, I just have never had a burning desire to learn to play golf. In fact, I rarely watch it on television. The only kind of golf in which I have ever had an interest is miniature golf--something that most regular golfers seem to disdain. A few years ago, an acquaintance asked me to play golf with him. Knowing him as I did, I knew he would be on the golf course all day (maybe 8 hours or longer) and he would expect me to stand out in the hot boiling sun with him the whole time. He would want me to follow him to each hole, and I knew he would not be happy if I wimped out and went back to the clubhouse to sit in a relaxed atmosphere to drink a cold Coke while he continued to play. So, I declined, making it clear that I had no interest in golf, and had no desire to waste my time doing something which I have absolutely no desire to learn. Additionally, I have been under doctor's orders for many years to stay out of the sun as much as possible for health reasons. I explained all of that to the acquaintance. At the end of that day he was worn out from his golf game, and he was sunburned, and still upset with me because I did not go to the country club with him. His opinion was that one should have the same, or similar, interests in recreation and hobbies that he had. I disagree with that idea. One person should not become the clone of another. He once asked me, "Don't you have any hobbies?" Of course, I do. Just because one person likes something does not mean that everyone he knows must have the same interests. I did not become upset with my acquaintance because he did not have the same hobbies and interests as I (such as reading novels or learning HTML--website building, or maps, or whatever). Lest one might think that I have no interest in sports, I will say that I enjoy a brisk walk. I used to enjoy spelunking (cave exploration) -- a rather rigorous and dangerous sport or hobby (but compatible with having to avoid too much sun!). And, I enjoy Major League Baseball and basketball--not playing, but watching. To me, a sport or hobby should be enjoyable and uplifting, not something to be dreaded.

The world is an interesting place because every person is different from every other person in so many ways. I'm glad it is that way.

Have a good day!

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